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Short facts

  • Höxter
  • Group Offer/Family Offer
  • from 47€ p.P.

Visit two very different places, but inextricably linked by 1,200 years of shared history.

You will start your visit to Höxter with the "Experience history(s)" city tour, during which you will learn lots of interesting facts about Höxter. You will fortify yourself over lunch before getting to know the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Corvey, a unique ensemble with an unmistakable charisma. Finally, you can enjoy the floral splendour of the Huxarium Garden Park Höxter.

Tourist-Information Höxter

Uferstraße 2

37671 Höxter


Phone: +49 5271 / 9634242



General information

  • Half Board
Payment Options
  • Transfer
Package feature


  • Town tour "Experience history(s)"
  • Lunch 
  • Admission and guided tour UNESCO World Heritage Corvey
  • Admission Huxarium Garden Park Höxter


Calculated price with a minimum of 45 participants, smaller groups on request

Package tripinfo

10.00 a.m. City tour "Experience history(s)"


12.00 Lunch in the old town centre of Höxter


13.30 Visit and guided tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Corvey


15.00 hrs Remtergarten of the Huxarium Garden Park Höxter

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