Long before our time, when northern Europe was still covered by mighty ice masses and the Weserbergland resembled a park tundra, reindeer hunters camped in Volkmarshausen. They made arrowheads from flint 12,000 years ago and stalked the migrating reindeer herds along the Weser. On a journey back to the Stone Age, we will not only get to know the way of life of the people of the "Ahrensburg culture" at various stations, but also the animals and plants that lived here at that time.
Speaker: Christiane Schröter-Kunze, biologist/certified nature and landscape guide
Meeting point: Industriestraße at the entrance to the forest at Thielebach, 34346 Hann. Münden
Costs: a donation is requested
Participants: max. 15
Registration: Hann. Münden Marketing GmbH, 05541 75313,
info@hann.muenden-marketing.deContact: Christiane Schröter-Kunze
, lucanidas-naturfuehrungen@gmx.de