The exhibition "Wasser-Sand-Stein" by Gudrun Friedrich-Kopp (painting) and Birte Körbel (sculpture/painting) will open on 5.4.2025 at 11 a.m. in the Künstlerhaus Hann.Münden, Speckstr. Both artists are members of Kreis34 Göttingen and KunstNetz Hann.Münden. The vernissage will be accompanied by bluegrass music by Heidi Bürekci.
Gudrun Friedrich-Kopp's paintings thematize the element "water". This theme is an
always recurring and important component of her painting, which expresses her preference for the sea.
The artist works mainly in acrylic technique, whereby she also uses acrylic mixing techniques by incorporating structuring materials such as marble powder, sand and coffee grounds into the paint.
This creates a certain haptic and a 3rd dimension, which gives the pictures a special tension and pictorial effect. Her works move between abstraction and representationalism.
Birte Körbel creates a connection between reality and abstraction with her works of painting and sculpture. Her works often deal with personal and societal issues, often addressing questions of identity and the human experience.
Körbel experiments with different materials to create textures and dimensions in her
works. She gives the weighty stones tension and movement through shape, ridge and surface. Depending on the nature of the stone, shapes are carved out of the limestone using a pointed iron and a mallet. It often takes months before the artist feels a sculpture is finished.
The exhibition "Water-Sand-Stone" is open at the Künstlerhaus Hann. Münden on the weekends of April 5/6 and 12/13, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The artists will be present.